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Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.


Yard Signs - 4mm Coroplast Signs

With 4mm coroplast signage, your customers can create custom yard signs to meet all of their promotional, and directional needs (and beyond).

Printed in full color on rigid corrugated plastic with optional grommets, they are versatile enough to be placed indoors and durable enough with UV-cured inks and waterproof durability to be staked outdoors.

When buying in quantities of 10 we can add, free of charge, a shiny finish.

$28.00 - $30.00
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Product 1 Title

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.
